Inflammation Testimonials
"A friend recommended clay for an Achilles Tendon problem. I love playing tennis and was afraid I would have to quit for a while. I started using clay topically on the area and within two weeks, I could play as much as 3 hours of tennis practically pain free! Absolutely amazing!" - Janelle C.
"My husband was surprised when he experienced noticeable relief from his arthritis pain after taking the Calcium Bentonite Clay for only a week and a half!" - Ethel C.
"I can't begin to tell you how much Earth's Natural clay has helped me. I had been suffering with allergies that are gone now. I also had joint pain in my hip, which my doctor said was arthritis, again gone. I also had some foot pain, and that too is gone. My mother was suffering from herniated disc pain in her back. She was scared that she wouldn't be able to return to her previous state of livelihood, due to her condition. I went and stayed at her house for a week, in tow was 24 ounces of liquefied clay which I planned to have her start 3 ounces of daily. She was in so much pain that she was willing to give it a try. Within 3 days she came to me in tears, not from pain but because she was so overjoyed about her pain subsiding that she wanted to thank me." - Nikia C.
"I am very happy with using the clay as a detox (2 oz. morning and evening) for a month now. I will continue doing this for additional benefits! I've noticed particularly that pain in one finger joint is completely gone now!" - B.M.
"Just started using the clay internally for a little over a week but my knee pain is almost completely gone between externally packing the knee and taking internally once daily!" - Lisa
"I have been going to the doctor as well as specialists for leg pain and swelling. I was unable to walk very far without my legs aching and I was also out of breath. I picked up a flyer for Earth's Natural Clay powder and decided to give it a try. Within a week I am almost free of the achy swollen legs and I am even more excited to breath normally again!!! I have not felt this good in years and I am so excited with my results!! I am telling everyone about this product as it truly is a life changer!" - Donna G.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.*