Let Nature Heal
Mojave Pure is a fine powder created millions of years ago in the Mojave Desert, a compound of trace minerals in their original form that provide a powerful negative ionic charge, which supports healthy detoxification. Volcanic ash blanketed the area during periods of volcanic eruptions. The ash was then covered by successive lava flows, resulting in today's subsurface resources of calcium bentonite clay. The most recent flows in this area date back 8,000 years.
Mojave Pure Uses
abscesses * acid reflux * acne * age spots * allergies * arthritis * bacterial infections * blisters * brown recluse spider bites * bruises * bug bites * burns * candida * cold sores * colon cleansing * cuts * cysts * detoxification * diaper rash * diarrhea * diverticulosis * eczema * fibromyalgia * gum disease * heavy metal toxicity * hemorrhoids * hives * hyperpigmentation * IBS * indigestion * nausea * parasites * pH balance * pink eye * poison ivy * poison oak * rashes * ringworm * psoriasis * shingles * sinusitis * tendonitis * toothaches * ulcers * varicose veins * warts * wounds

5 things you should know about
In this free eBook, you will learn:
What calcium bentonite clay is
Who can safely use calcium bentonite clay
How clay works and how to use it
When it's appropriate to use clay
Why people use clay for themselves and their pets