Directions for Use
Add one part clay to eight parts clean, filtered water. For example, when using a 32 ounce (one liquid quart) bottle add four ounces of clay to the bottle (one ounce of clay is equal to two tablespoons so if it was four ounces you would add eight tablespoons or half a cup). Shake vigorously for at least a minute. Let sit for 24 hours to fully activate the clay. Shake vigorously before each use. Start by drinking one to two ounces a day and increase as necessary. It is important to start slowly to avoid constipation. Take your time. Listen to your body. Drink plenty of water. And enjoy the cleansing effects as the clay goes to work detoxifying, restoring and alkalizing while extracting impurities and boosting immunity.
Mix one part clay to three parts water to a consistency of sour cream (ex: one tablespoon clay to three tablespoons water). Let stand covered for 12 to 24 hours before use. Do not store in metal containers. Avoid prolonged exposure to metal utensils. Apply light coat to face and/or body. Dry 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse clean with warm water. Your skin will thank you.